More Random Kindness


A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the kindness of strangers (Peripheral Love)  – and how it makes our lives better. Some were large and significant acts of kindness and some were just small and random, but even those little gestures matter.

Once I started thinking about these little kindnesses, I remembered so many more, and witnessed more happening around me every day.

Kindness is bombarding me.

Sometimes Kindness is help when I need it. Sometimes it is generosity. Sometimes the kindness is just making me smile. How lovely it is that total strangers can still make us smile.

Here are a few more, both remembered and recent:


This summer while walking the dog, I came upon a trio of teenagers on skateboards. They got off their boards, and I sort of prepared myself to be harassed by these tough-looking boys. The biggest, scariest one  (and teenagers can…

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