Friday Fictioneers: I Got You Babe


I’m late, late, late this week… I’ve been in Denver for parent’s weekend at my son’s school. Such fun times together, but no time for anything else. Humble apologies for late submission and tardiness in reading all of your great stories!

A warning, this photo has a very disquieting quality to it, that pulled me in a dark direction. The focus on the closest cars, while the others are distorted and blurred, the rain. It give me the creeps. I apologize in advance for the language and unsettling topic. A writer’s gotta’ write what the muse inspires.

Friday Fictioneers is a weekly flash fiction challenge with a photo prompt. Use it to create a 100-word story. If you are interested in joining this merry band of writers, from all over the world, check out Rochelle Wisoff-Field’s blog Addicted to Purple. As Always, I welcome honest, constructive feedback; please leave…

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