From My Window Seat: An Epic Year of Travel


Lucky to say:  Been there done that! Lucky to say: Been there done that!

Note: This post was a year in the making, and took hours of writing and formatting. I apologize for the length, but it was hard to edit down.

Over the past many months I found myself in an extraordinary whirlwind of travel that evolved bit by bit into a year of travel and experiences. One year ago, we had an exchange student living with us, Germany, and he and our youngest son, Little Man, were both preparing for high school graduation. Our eldest son, Middle Man, had just graduated from college, and our daughter was unexpectedly home from Israel for the summer. My husband, an avid climber, planned a climbing trip for Middle Man and himself, in Bolivia, South America, after graduation, and as winter 2013 passed, I found myself wondering why Little Man and I were sitting at home, while they went off on grand…

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