Friday Fictioneers: Rapprochement


friday-fictioneersAfter more than a year of participating in Friday Fictioneers, without missing a single entry, I got lost in paradise and was unable to participate these past two weeks. Doug, it killed me to miss yours– that photo was gorgeous! I still have stories for it, twirling in my head. Fiji was just too magical, too dreamy, to do anything but be there and enjoy it. But oh how I’ve missed you all, and the wonderful stories you tell! This week, the story came to me in ten minutes. I’ll probably regret not spending more time, but it’s good to be back. Thanks to EF for gently pushing me to keep working on what’s important and real– and just below the surface.

For anyone new, Friday Fictioneers is a weekly flash fiction challenge, led by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, who just celebrated her second anniversary as our ever-dedicated leader. Write a 100-word story (or…

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